RiSE coffee box: Hey team Crosby! Can you start off by telling us about your business, why you started and where you’re headed?
We setup in 2014 to showcase specialty coffee in Liverpool, we had seen the coffee scene boom in other cities and wanted to showcase how good coffee can be with the right importing practices and a little care for what you are doing. We have set up lasting partnerships with our coffee producers and continue to improve our quality control and staff training in order to stay ahead of the curve. We have 2 stores now, one in South Liverpool on Lark Lane and one in North Liverpool in Crosby. Our roastery is based centrally to these shops and this is where we run our online, wholesale and subscription service from.
RiSE coffee box: We really liked your Trio Blend and enjoyed working with you in September! What do you like about this coffee, and how is it best enjoyed?
The Trio Blend was designed to offer a bit of a difference from the norm, its a much lighter roasted coffee than our other blends and has a good amount of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee in. This gives the coffee a lovely sweet and fruit like acidity that cuts through milk beautifully. Although initially designed for espresso the blend lends itself really well through all filter methods too with it being so light. I personally enjoy using a clever dripper with Trio!
RiSE coffee box: What’s hot in the coffee world right now, that you think RiSE members should know about?
Sorry to mention it again but, Clever drippers! Similar to the Hario switch I think home brewers should really look at options that give you more versatility in brewing. I have 2 kids at home, when I am brewing its easy for me to have to stop midway and so brewing v60 or chemex can be tricky as I don’t want my coffee bed to dry out. Using the clever I can put coffee and water together and leave it alone. If i forget and leave it brewing for 5 minutes there is little to no difference in the flavour outcome than If i had dropped the brew at 3 minutes. Perfect for mums and dads everywhere.
RiSE coffee box: What’s your favourite coffee and what makes it so good?
I am a sucker for most African coffees, I like that fruity punch a Kenyan coffee gives you and I don’t think theres anything else like it! My favourite currently is Gisanga from Rwanda that we have on offer on our website. Its a full bodied, creamy coffee with notes of cinnamon baked apple but the sweetness and acidity is super clean and bright!
RiSE coffee box: Finally, have you got any brew tips for our at-home coffee lovers?
Other than buy a clever dripper, Weigh everything!
You cannot repeat a brewing recipe if you do not know what you have just brewed. Be it espresso or a filter, weigh your dry coffee, weigh your water and weigh your wet coffee. Once this becomes habit and routine its easy and much more fun and enjoyable way of brewing coffee at home!
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