Want to know how to use an AeroPress? Read our guide below to get the best tips from coffee lovers Ben and Alice. We also have guides on how to make French Press / Cafetiére, Moka Pot, or Pour Over / V60. You always need great coffee beans when trying to make better coffee so check out the RiSE coffee box subscription if you haven’t already!
The main reason we love AeroPress coffee is that it is quick and easy to use, makes great tasting coffee, makes strong coffee and doesn’t leave a mess! It does have a limitation which is around the maximum coffee capacity it can hold at any one time. Below is our short guide for how to use an AeroPress for excellent coffee, we hope you find it useful!
AeroPress is a simple yet nifty device that uses air pressure in a cylinder chamber which pushes water (don’t forget to use filtered water!) through the coffee at the base of the product to extract it. Ben and Alice find that this extraction method through to the base of the AeroPress gives the coffee a stronger flavour with a bold body which is not as delicate as a V60 or chemex.
Firstly, get yourself an AeroPress.
We recommend 17g of coffee but anywhere between 15-20g of freshly ground coffee will work well. Use coffee from your RiSE coffee box coffee subscription or pick a coffee from our online shop page. To get the right coffee ratio, use scales - we recommend these Hario scales.
Your favourite coffee mug.
Aeropress filter papers.
Hot water - if possible, always try to use filtered water.
Quick AeroPress instructions if you are in a rush:
1) Add medium-fine ground coffee and water
2) Stir and brew in 30-60 seconds
3) Press down your coffee into your coffee cup
Place your AeroPress paper filter inside the perforated black cap and secure it onto the base chamber of your AeroPress.
If not using the funnel, place your AeroPress directly on top of your mug, with the base steady.
Pour some hot filtered water over the filter to get rid of any paper residue particles, then discard this water from the cup.
Tip your ground coffee into the AeroPress, ideally 17g if ground and weighed on scales.
Start a timer, ideally you will slowly pour the water over the ground coffee for 1 minute 30 seconds in total. Slowly start pouring in hot water until the ground coffee is completely submerged. It will approximately reach the labelled number two in the AeroPress if you are going by sight! Allow the coffee to bloom for a few seconds - this is important for the taste at the end, trust us!
Stir the coffee lightly and gently, you should have an AeroPress spatula in your set. This ensure that all of the coffee grounds are evenly saturated.
Slowly pour in the rest of the boiling filtered water until it reaches number four at the top of the AeroPress.
Time to place the rubber stop inside the top of the AeroPress. You don’t want the coffee to drip through just yet.
Wait patiently and maybe read your RiSE coffee box guide and learn about the roasters and farmers while it brews. Then when your timer hits 1 minute 30 seconds, the coffee is ready to press down - do this slowly and gently, there is no rush!
You will feel the stopping point when you feel that all of the coffee has been pushed to the bottom.
Take off the screen, and make sure to discard your ground coffee, ideally in your compost heap to avoid landfill!
The grind size is key to get the right flavour profile. Aim for a medium to fine grind size. Grind with an electric burr grinder. Read here to learn why having an electric burr grinder is important! It’s important to get this right and you will need to experiment in the beginning to get it right for you. Too coarse and it will drip too quickly and too fine and it will clog up and be to slow.
Filter water. Like any brewing method, the water quality has a huge impact on taste. Always try to use filtered water if possible.
If you have time, then take your time. Press down gently and steadily allowing around 90 seconds for the process.
Trust your own tastes. Play around with the grind sizes and water ratio until you find what works for you. Taste is very subjective and there is no perfect formula.
CAN YOU REUSE AEROPRESS FILTERS?You should only use filters the one time but you can buy reusable filters made from metal. The latter may be the better option depending on your preference. They are most expensive initially but lasts forever (in theory!), and so arguably better for the environment. The metal filters impact flavour, leaving a bolder taste to the coffee vs the paper filters.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO BREW COFFEE WITH AN AEROPRESS?In the pro guide above, we would allow around 90 seconds for the process to take place, making an AeroPress a really convenient, quick alternative to pour over or chemex. If you use pods (read why we dislike pods here) or instant coffee as you think it is convenient, then an AeroPress could be a good upgrade for you. Nobody is too busy that they can’t spare 90 seconds for a better coffee!
DOES AEROPRESS MAKE STRONG COFFEE?Caffeine content can vary between brew types, and AeroPress does in theory make a “stronger coffee”. The caffeine content does vary depending on the bean. If you are referring to the taste of the coffee being strong, then AeroPress is known for leaving a bold taste in the mouth.
IS AEROPRESS THE SAME AS CAFETIÈRE COFFEE?No. AeroPress and a Cafetière are not the same, there are some key differences. An AeroPress is a single serve brew (hence the 17g) method that plunges the coffee through a circular paper or metal filter. In comparison to a cafetière which comes in varying sizes and gently presses the coffee grounds to the bottom through a mesh filter.
Coffee brewed with a cafetière is a full bodied black coffee, whereas an AeroPress is slightly lighter, but still relatively bold.
WHAT IS THE BEST COFFEE TO USE?The origin and roast of the coffee is dependent on your own personal tastes, and you can use espresso or filter roasts. The key thing is that you are ordering freshly roasted coffee from an independent roaster with sustainable ethics.
HOW MUCH COFFEE DO YOU NEED?Our brew method uses 17g of coffee. Anywhere between 15g and 20g works well. We recommend playing around with the ratios of coffee and water and finding the balance that works best for you.
OVERALL, WOULD YOU RECOMMEND I BUY AN AEROPRESS?We think it is totally worth it! They are priced around £40 and that comes with 350 filter papers. The AeroPress brews a delicious clean cup and if you are using specialty coffee you will get the interesting tasting notes coming through. It is one of the most versatile and easy to use brew methods you will find!
Beans or ground, what is right for me?
Order coffee equipment from RiSE coffee box
▻ Sustainable coffee farming in Uganda
▻ Responsibly sourced coffee explained

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