The Roaster:
Coffee Name
Bean coffee roasters - Rwanda
The Coffee
Tasting notes:
Brew tips from Bean coffee:
This coffee is best enjoyed as an AeroPress and here is recipe we've adapted from Bean themselves -
What you need
- 14g medium groundcoffee(or if grinding yourself, go slightly finer ideally)
- 200ml water, 96C in temperature (if you have acoffeekettle!)
How it's make it
- Wet the filter paper and attach the filter holder to the brewing chamber
- Place the AeroPress over a decanter or cup
- Add in your 14g of groundcoffee– we choose to use a light-medium here
- Pour 200g of water over thecoffeeinto the chamber
- Stir 3 times in a back to front motion
- Place the plunger on the AeroPress in order for a vacuum to form and stop the water dripping through
- Steep for 60 seconds
- Take the plunger off after the 60 second steep time and stir 3 times in the same motion as before.
n.b it is important to only stir 3 times here, if you stir less it will be under-extracted, stir more and it will be over-extracted.
- Place the plunger back on top of the AeroPress and push down using your body weight.
- Enjoy!